
St. John, Apostle and Evangelist

My heart and my flesh cry out,
O God, O living God!

This icon of the Beloved Disciple has been at the heart of my personal prayer for many, many years. John, "the disciple whom Jesus loved," reclines near Jesus at the Last Supper (John 13:23). The intimacy shown here is what Christ desires for each of us, and it is the goal of our prayer and communion with each other.

The Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) is a monastic order in the Episcopal Church based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

I have been a member of the Fellowship of St. John in association with SSJE for many years now, ever since discovering their Rule during a time when I was teaching about sexual misconduct prevention in church settings.

The SSJE Rule sets out a vision of right relationship in community -- of intimacy with one another and with God -- which was profoundly helpful to me as I worked to outline a positive training program for those who minister with youth and adults and take responsibility for their nurture and safety. The monks of the SSJE community have a special devotion to the disciple whom Jesus loved, and their teaching demonstrates the fruit of that intimacy with God.

Though I still look forward to my first visit to the monastery, I have benefited greatly from the example of a group of men who pray the Daily Office as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer, welcome guests both in person and in a variety of social media, and offer their talents generously to the larger Church.

May the Lord Christ draw each of us to himself, enfolding us in his loving embrace, and inspire us to share his love with others.

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