
Week of 3 Advent, Wednesday

Engel - Angel
Originally uploaded by barryra

To you all angels,
All the powers of heaven,
Cherubim and Seraphim,
Sing in endless praise

The stained glass windows in medieval cathedrals were meant, in part, to resemble the jasper and carnelian described in Rev. 4:3, and this stained glass seraph could be the "third living creature with a face like a human face" (Rev. 4:7).

The living creatures are often used symbolically to represent the four Evangelists -- Matthew the Lion, Mark the Man, Luke the Ox, and John the Eagle.

I have a set of four framed images of the Evangelists as seraphim which will hang in my office again when it's remodeled, and which remind me of my diaconal calling to proclaim the Gospel.

What images inspire you to do the work God has given you to do?

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