
Tools of my trade

The modern version of Mark 6:8-9:

BlackBerry Bold 9000

Garment sleeve with a change of clothes and a couple of books.

Briefcase containing Dell laptop, day planner, combination Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV), fountain pens, passport, checkbook, and all the power cords, product brochures, newspapers, business cards, safety pins, collar stays, loose change, and other jetsam that inevitably accumulates throughout the week.

That's it, unless the trip is going to last longer than four or five days. Then I substitute a rolling suitcase for the garment sleeve.

For those who will be following the Advent Project at home, the tools will include the service of Daily Morning Prayer: Rite Two, beginning on page 80 of the BCP, and the Psalms and New Testament lessons appointed in the Daily Office Lectionary for Year Two (BCP 937).

Off we go!

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